At Matrix Warehouse we have a wide range of top brands available for you to choose from. Browse our products to find popular brands of Computers, Laptops, Notebooks, Hardware, Upgrades, Headsets, Keyboards, Mouses, Mousepads, PC Cooling, Printers, Cartridges, Toners, Modems, Software & other PC accessories available.
We stock products from famous brands like Asus, Acer, MSI, Dell, Lenovo, HP, Razer, Maverick, Cougar, Microsoft, Kaspersky and many more. If you are looking for something specific, give us a call and we would be happy to assist in finding the brand you prefer. If you are not sure which brand would be the best use for your needs, our team of experts is ready to assist you with the best solution and provide you with the required information to make an informed decision.